Dalmas Affair
The Dalmas Affair
How To Properly Blow Up A Speakeasy With A Snow Plough
The four Chicagoans are Stilts (Mans) the fake fed; Warburg (Eirik) the hit man, Smith (John) the mobster punk and Hales (Jason) the bookie.

Stilts and Warburg follow upstairs from the main hall towards the bordello rooms on their right where Lou is taking fire.

Oddly some the bullets have hit him square in the chest and have made a metallic clang as they him. Lou is seemingly unfazed by it all.

Meanwhile Smith and Hales went upstairs but turned left, away from the gunfire and towards the bordello rooms on their left opposite Lou Lid.

Fun In The Bordello

Uneasily Lou calls out to Smith and Warburg, they point out that they are the guys that gave him covering fire from downstairs. Before he strides into the bedroom the gunfire came from he says almost casually, "well I suppose it's kind of good yer comin' upstairs since she gonna blow soon!".

After striding into the bedroom a middle aged man flies through doorway and crashes on the floor outside. Lou comes straight back out and throws him over the balcony. "Mebbe we oughtta leave! You guys comin'? "

He explains that the snowplough has a slow fuse and is full of their remaining dynamite and a few dozen barrels of gasoline taken from the garage containing the snowplough.

Only We Should Be Using Dynamite

They elect to go into another bedroom and open a window onto a small yard near the ground floor kitchen area. Dropping down they enter the small yard.

Meanwhile Smith and Hales went into a closed bordello room. Keen not to be blown up they now seek their own escape from the explosive contents of the snowplough They catch a couple almost in flagrante but the John promptly jumps through a window into the main car park below.

He is then shot dead by a gangster in the yard. The girl introduces herself as "Mabel" and is quickly told to leave the bedroom too.

The yard contains two vehicles, a large sedan and a truck. A gangster who fired the shot appears from the back of the truck. He is shot from the open window by Stilts.

Our NEW Truck

They then climb out of the top floor window and drop down to the car park. They hear someone moving in the back of the truck.

The back door opened and an angry looking young lady aims a flying kick at Hales.

She then realises that they are not her tormentors and relents a little.

She gives her name as Amy and says she is journalist investigating the mob.

Just as they are about to take stock of events a loud explosion erupts through the front of the speakeasy removing most of the roof and balcony area and depositing on the hallway.

They Bring The House Down

At the same time most of the front wall collapses in a very large fireball and flames and rubble abound.

The investigators sitting in their car watching realise they may need to move. Trent, Gupta Irma and Donnelley, still with Mrs Prendergast, drive towards what is left of the speakeasy.

A couple of passersby look on with shock while other scream and dive for cover or run away. Distant sirens can now be heard and police whistles.

At this point Lou, Stilts and Warburg realise it's time to go and climb through a window at the back of the yard.

They enter the building and rush through an office as they head through the building making for the other side of the block and a parallel street to the one front of the burning speakeasy. Waving guns and looking menacing, which Lou does particularly well, they bluster through the office out into a main street.

With the explosion ringing in their ears Mabel, Amy, Smith and Hales look around.

Mabel says that Magoon has an escape route under the speakeasy, and that this will take them via the casino out into the sewers.

They decide to re-enter the building but are surprised by two large mobsters, one carry a box the other an almost impossibly large machine gun.

Hales pulls Amy back behind the truck as Mabel is gunned down in a hail of automatic large calibre high velocity armour-piercing death.

This gives Smith the opportunity to exit the yard by running round the corner into the street where he takes cover behind a large truck parked in the main street.

What A Nice Toy, Give It Here

The mobsters follow him and he shots at one of them from below the truck before jumping back up on the bumper before their return fire can shoot his own feet clean off.

Protected by the truck he unhitches a grenade, pulls out the pin and throws it over the truck at the machine gunners.

Caught directly in the blast both the mobsters die instantly. Sadly the big machine gun is ALMOST blown up but repairable.

Scoping around for more mobsters Smith sees a couple on the other side of the road they are strangely unfazed by the explosion.

They also look quite ugly, bug eyed with puffy skin and bulbous lips.

Fancy A Fishermans Friend?

However he is distracted by Amy running out of the yard and heading down the street away from the speakeasy.

He heads back into the yard. Hooking up with Hales they check out the two vehicles.

The truck looks very well armoured, and they look inside the back. The two wooden crates contain metal inner boxes, crow barring them open reveal one has a flamethrower while the other has several odd looking submachine guns.

Fancy A A Go On My Flamethrower?

Meanwhile the investigators have gunned their car engine and are heading down the street to check out the speakeasy. They spot the strange couple seen by Smith. Several of them recognise "the look". These people are definitely part deep one.

As they start to drive they hit some debris in the road and crash into the wall of a building opposite the burning speakeasy.

Gupta is first to react and blasts both of them with his Tommy gun. They are both killed instantly.

Checking their bodies they find no identification but find two return train tickets from New England and a newspaper cutting showing a photo of Mrs Prendergast. They are also each wearing a small gold key pendant on a chain around their necks.

Hearing a truck revving they drive their battered car into the yard.

As they leave their car to survey the damage to it Trent spots Amy taking photos of them with a nice 35mm camera. He points his .45 at her and makes her smash it. She then turns tail and sprints swiftly away.

Going back to the car it is only Mrs Prendergast who remembers the camera in the street and Trent hurriedly retrieves it to recover the film inside and destroy any evidence of the investigators involvement.

Picture This

They now have a choice, take the truck with smith and Hales, take the sedan in the car park or repair their own car.

The sirens are getting louder.

Definitely time to leave.