January 1923 - Orient Express - Introduction
Irma recieved a letter from Prof Julius A, Smith:

Prof Julius A, Smith
32 Fitzroy Square
London W1
18 October 1922

Dear Irma,

It is with great pleasure that I would like to extend my invitation to you and any associates to attend the Challenger Trust Banquet Lecture in London on Monday 7 January 1923.

The lecture is formal affair of great prestige and the trustees only select speakers of clear voice, sound mind and impeccable credentials to report on original researches or inventions of theoretical or practical importance. I am proud to say that I have been selected as speaker this year. I attend to make public may ongoing research and paraphysical phenomena that I have so far only hinted to you about.

I would be honored if you your companions would attend at my expense and look forward to finally meeting you and sharing our experiences and findings.

I understand that despite Mr Duxford's endeavors my niece Heather is still missing. While not related my researches have shed light on unexplained disappearances and they give me a small shred of hope to cling to.

I would be delighted if you will agree to attend. Please contact me and let me know who is to attend so that Beddows can arrange passage and accommodation.

Yours sincerely,

Julius A. Smith.

Heather James