Irma, Joseph, Gaida and Wesley make there way to Chez Lorien to see what they can discover about Fenalik and his involvement with the Sedefkar Simulacrum.

They discover that Dr Francois Delpace, The pervious head of the institution, had died recently. Dr Leroux is now in charge and agrees to see only Gaida and not Joseph, Irma, or Wesley.

Gaida asks about Dr Francois Delpace??? and Dr Leroux??? turns very defensive and asks them all leave.

Yegor Gaidar

As Irma, Joseph, Gaida and Wesley leave they see lots of boxes with Dr François Delpace stuff guarded by Mme Rogniat. Wesley takes it and finds lots of entries about a man called Guimart.

They go to a local Café and finally talk to a Paul Mandrin and he tell them about Guimart.

Guimart – Currently working in Chez Lorien and has recently been attacked and encountered Fenalik.

Dr François Delpace - kept Fenalik in his private wing to study him. He died in an accident with an Electro Shock Machine.

Dr Francois Leroux

Dr Francois Leroux – Currently in charge of Chez Lorien and does not like inquires into Dr François Delpace has scrahes on his face from a recent attack.