Easter Island Preparations
Saturday 28th/June/1924

Journal 01 Banner

We all had tasks to complete before we sallied to Chile or Easter Island, the destination had not been decided. We had all discussed what was needed to be either researched or acquired and the duties were assigned to the squad.

  • Joseph: I continued to fix,then test the Lewis Gun and persisted with gathering information on any possible targets where we could requisition some more ordnance.
  • Gaidar: Spent his time unlocking the secrets of the "Arc of Vlactos" and the "Disk of R’Lyeh".
  • Trent, Simon and Trixie: all went to the docks looking for a vessel that could be hired to transport us to the South Pacific.
  • Wesley: went over our occult books and skimmed over the books that we found from the "The Hermetic Order Of The Silver Twilight" .
  • Gupta: also hit the books looking for all the possible information he could find on Easter Island.
  • Irma: took the opportunity to try to persuade William Randolph Hurt, or his editors if he could not be contacted, that there was a great story to be found in this systematic and brutal killer, Carl Stanford. Easter Island being his next port of call.

Gupta Reading

Gupta gathered a large amount of information on Easter Island, it's native residences, location and other relevant intelligence.

Easter Island (Rapa Nui: Rapa Nui, Spanish: Isla de Pascua) is a Polynesian Island in the southeastern Pacific Ocean, at the southeastern most point of the Polynesian Triangle. Easter Island is famous for its 887 extant monumental statues, called Moai, created by the early Rapa Nui people.

Polynesian people settled on Easter Island in the first millennium, and created a thriving culture, as evidenced by the Moai and other artifacts. However, human activity, the introduction of the Polynesian rat and overpopulation led to gradual deforestation and extinction of natural resources, which caused the demise of the Rapa Nui civilization.

By the time of European arrival in 1722, the Island's population had dropped to 2,000–3,000 from a high of approximately 15,000 just a century earlier. In recent times the Island has served as a warning of the cultural and environmental dangers of exploitation. Diseases carried by European sailors and Peruvian slave raiding of the 1860s further reduced the Rapa Nui population, down to 111 in 1877.

Easter Island is one of the most remote inhabited Islands in the world. The nearest inhabited land is Pitcairn Island at 2,075 kilometres (1,289 mi), and the nearest continental point lies in central Chile, at 3,512 kilometres (2,182 mi).

Easter Island is a special territory of Chile that was annexed in 1888. Administratively, it belongs to the Valparaíso Region and more specifically, is the only commune of the Province Isla de Pascua.

Easter Island

Easter Island is triangular and the three volcanic peaks on Easter form an isosceles triangle with an apex angle of 108° and base angles of 36°. The ratio between the length of the base and the lengths of the sides is φ (6.8 miles x 1.618 = 11 miles).

Easter Island is a volcanic Island at about 27° degrees South latitude by 109° degrees West longitude. It is some 63 square miles (164 sq km) in area nd is made up entirely of volcanic lava and has large magnetic variations across the Island.

We now knew it is an Island controlled and governed by Chile which, like most uncivilised countries, may well cause us problems completing our objectives. Corruption or Duty rules over this Island and we need to exploit which every one it is.

The Island is very remote and has very sparse cover. Night operations will be vital as concealing our actions and movements will be extremely challenging. The Motorbike may well be our biggest advantage. However, we have come across situations like this many times now and where there is no obvious visible target, there is always a hidden cavern. In this case, we are on top of a volcanic Island with 3 large volcanoes, one at each point of the triangular Island.

Easter Islandg Moai

Gupta also unearthed further information on Rongorongo. This being a system of glyphs discovered in the 19th century on Easter Island that appears to be writing or proto-writing. Numerous attempts at decipherment have been made, none successfully. Although some calendrical and what might prove to be genealogical information has been identified, not even these glyphs can actually be read. If Rongorongo does prove to be writing and proves to be an independent invention, it could be one of very few independent inventions of writing in human history.

I managed to repair the Lewis Gun and tested it's functionality in the desert. This will need to be our fall back weapon for the Island. I believe that if the squad is split into two groups, the first carrying out the reconnoitring, while the second squad would be our fall back position and be armed with the Lewis Gun. Gaidar, Joseph and Gupta having spent the most time with these weapons, the better shots being in the order shown.

I had also had luck in my late night drinking with the ex-service boys and local national guards and have found a possible target for our needs. We need to find the time, sooner rather than later, to pay a visit to the National Guards Barracks. We will also hopefully find a replacement for Heather.

Trent, Simon and Trixie found a skipper that would take on our voyage with not many questions asked. His prices were extortionate, $2000 per week for the ship and crew, and I was glad it wouldn't be me who had to tell Irma. It was a tramp steamer and looked like it would do the job fine. The voyage would take roughly 3 weeks there and 3 weeks back, if we were to be that lucky and all things considered.

Our Gate Crate

A more scientific investigation of the "Gate Crate ©" allowed us to discover that items could be passed though the box, along as it fit, but anything organic would need to will itself though or be carried by someone. This means we could use the box to, if need be hide our weapons from the Governor and his troops, by sending them to a second location once we had finished any investigations.

The "Gate Crate ©" is a wooden box, 18 inches high with a hinged lid. The box will allow a person to go through the bottom of the box and Gate to an other location, in this case a similar box, and emerge through the box from the bottom.

The "Gate Crate ©" may also be a way of setting a trap, as a last resort as the "Gate Crate ©" would be destroyed,by sending a Gaidar special through, "8 sticks of dynamite push through the Gate Crate ©"... sung to the tune of 10 green bottles.

Gaidar's research, into the "Arc of Vlactos" and the "Disk of R’Lyeh", uncovers the final shards of information that finally allowed us to understand Carl Stanford's plans.

Great Cthulhu "A monster of vaguely anthropoid outline, but with an octopus-like head whose face was a mass of feelers, a scaly, rubbery-looking body, prodigious claws on hind and fore feet, and long, narrow wings behind."

Great Cthulhu

A malevolent entity hibernating within an underwater city in the South Pacific called R'lyeh. The imprisoned Cthulhu is apparently the source of constant anxiety for mankind at a subconscious level, and also the subject of worship by a number of human religions (located several places worldwide, including New Zealand, Greenland, Louisiana, and the Chinese mountains) and other monsters (called Deep Ones and Mi-Go). While currently trapped, Cthulhu will eventually return when the stars are right. His worshipers chant "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" ("In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.")

The stars are not right at the moment, but they are close enough that Carl Stanford and his followers believe they can raise the city of R'lyeh and waken Great Cthulhu. The only problem being the gates may not be full open or accessible and so Carl Stanford and his followers will need to use magic.

The "Arc of Vlactos" and the "Disk of R’Lyeh" would have allowed Carl Stanford and his follows to raise the city of R'lyeh, as combined, they are powerful artifacts created for this very purpose. However, they are in our possession and will need to use the power of many Witches and Wizards to accomplish this.

The City Of R'lyeh

It wasn't all good news, as ever. To be able to sink the city of R'lyeh, a person needs to be on the Island of R'lyeh itself, to perform the ritual. Also, the "Blue Monolith" seams to be important and this, appears to be, the location on the Island were the ritual needs to be performed. More importantly we still have no information as to the location of the sunken Island of R'lyeh.

Wesley read the books taken from the "The Hermetic Order Of The Silver Twilight", "The Holy Mysteries Of The Great Return" in particular.

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