35: Mountain of the Black Wind

Nairobi, Kenya, Africa: 20:20 PM: As the night stars begin to fade into a blue-grey haze and a somber red glow spreads gradually between the thick foliage on the horizon, the ashen-faced bodies of the recently killed cultists lie immobile, almost restful, on the blood-blackened grasses of the clearing. The first insects of the day…

30: In The Ancient City of The Yithians

Northern Territory, Australia: 13:03 PM: Darkness. The darkness of eternity smothering the light of time. The electric light which casts pools of illumination along these ancient alien streets serve only as a reminder of the darkness that will smother all when they are gone. What special type of madness compels a man like Huston to…

The Story So Far

Having dealt with Vitaly Grishkin, Theological and Spiritual Advisor to the Petrograd Soviet and Adherent of Rasputin, and Woodbury DeNeilsen, Private Secretary of John Pierpont Morgan Jnr. Based at the Metropolitan club, we now have a short time to recover and contemplate all that we had accomplished. We had recently been contacted by our old…