Vicross & Sir Ly – Chapter Four

6th Day of the Claw of Winter (February): DAY TWO

The Justiciar & Sorcer Looking For the Song Path Stone (11:30 am):

With our New Heroes now back in Daggerford, Vicross The Sorcerer and Sir Ly The Justiciar make their way back to Mirafir’s Mothers House where they are debriefed by Father Tobias, who in turn tell them of his mission throughout Torleth’s Treasures underground Crypts which holds the Portal to the Underdark under Gillian’s Hill.

Vicross The Sorcerer and Sir Ly The Justiciar sleep until noon allowing Vicross to recover his Magical Strength and Sir Ly to be ‘Healed’ by Father Tobias.

Sir Hector Ly’s Dream:

Sir Ly The Justiciar has a dream in which he struggles through a hilly landscape, a blustery wind blowing wet snow in his face and great bare trees reach out as if beseeching him for help.

The most troubling part of the dream are the hoof beats, as the Sir Ly The Justiciar struggled through the icy scene, he hears the sound of hoof beats growing louder and louder until they were suddenly right behind him. In the dream he turns and looks but behind him was neither an animal nor its tracks, just the endless unbroken line of his own heavy boot prints in the snow.

At that point Sir Ly wakes.

Sir Ly The Justiciar tells Vicross and Father Tobias of his strange dream.

The Lady Luck Tavern - Justiciar
The Lady Luck Tavern

Vicross The Sorcerer and Sir Ly The Justiciar both go and visit The Lady Luck Tavern to  search for the Seldruin Script, the language of Elven High Magic and which was written in the Hamarfae alphabet, within its walls. They find a great circular stone some 10’ feet wide, which The Lady Luck Tavern had been built upon and was laying right in front of the hearth.

Apate is spotted in The Lady Luck tavern by Sir Ly as they as leaving and she accompanies Vicross and Sir Ly to the Castle. Our Heroes wishing to talk with Lady Bronwyn and Apate would make entering the Castle a lot easier.

Vicross and Sir Ly visit Lady Bronwyn at the Castle to discuss the ‘Song Paths of Illefarn’ the Seldruin Script, etc. Without Mirafir they hope she will still allow them an audience.

Lady Bronwyn gives the page with the Magical Writing to Vicross and Sir Ly while feeling ashamed that she had not thought to look for such possibilities.

Vicross The Sorcerer and Sir Ly The Justiciar, collect their new and old horses, and travel out through the snow cover lands to Runedardath under Mount Illefarn where they intend to inform the Dwarves of the Magical dye found in the underground rivers.

The Dwarves of Runedardath under Mount Illefarn attend Vicross and Sir Ly but they are made to wait for most of the afternoon to see someone of importance as King Korin Ironaxe is unavailable. Finally, an administrative assistant arrives and talks to Vicross and Sir Ly with the normal formalities and thanks which do not seem heartfelt.

The administrative assistant, Ranil Torstultok, explains how the dye is of their fashioning, as the Dwarves have begun an attempt to map the water ways under Mount Illefarn and eventually block them. However, Vicross notices something in Ranil Torstultok face to suggest that they had stumbled upon something which the Dwarves wanted to keep secret and for King Korin Ironaxe not to appear and give his thanks would be a slight not appreciated by more civilised people.

Knowing they were not welcome in Runedardath under Mount Illefarn this day, Vicross and Sir Ly leave Runedardath and were intending on riding back to Daggerford when a young Dwarf slipped Sir Ly a note.

Note: “Meet me tonight in the LL. Morri”

The Justiciar & Sorcer Meeting Morri at The Lady Luck (12:30 pm):

Later on that evening Vicross and Sir Ly ride into Daggerford. They stable their horses and walk the empty streets to The Lady Luck tavern. Morri is already there accompanied by 2 other young Dwarves and they must have caught the river boat down to have beaten Vicross and Sir Ly to Daggerford.

Morri is honest and tells of their efforts to find and block the underground waterways, but is also unsure to the full extent of works as King Korin Ironaxe is limiting access to certain areas and recruiting non-Ironaxe clan to carry out works.

Vicross The Sorcerer and Sir Ly The Justiciar head back to Kira Roven’s house and they exchange information with Farther Tobias, who had returned from his keeping vigil on the ‘Mirror of Mental Prowess’.

Sir Hector Ly’s Dreams Again:

Sir Ly has a dream in which he struggles through a hilly landscape, a blustery wind blowing wet snow in his face and great bare trees reach out as if beseeching him for help.

The most troubling part of the dream are the hoof beats, as the Sir Ly struggled through the icy scene, he hears the sound of hoof beats growing louder and louder until they were suddenly right behind him. In the dream he turns to see what was behind him, he sees a piece of jewellery in the snow.

As he looks down at the jewellery, it slowly begins to be covered by the falling snow and he can’t quite make out what it was, as Sir Ly bent down to retrieve the object from the snow, he wakes.

7th Day of the Claw of winter (February): DAY THREE

The Bandit Lair Revisited (08:00 am):

Vicross The Sorcerer and Sir Ly The Justiciar decide on the following plan, to head to the Sword Hill’s and confirm that the Bandit’s lair is empty and nothing has been overlooked, as the releasing of Vicross Silverkin and the killing of the Bandits only happened a few days ago.

Then to ride onto ‘The Laughing Hollow’ to handover the page with Magical writing over to Deldrach Longarrow and then possibly onto Secomber to speak with Amelior Amanitas, the Sage of Secomber, and to find out what the book taken by Kelthas the Dread was, in the hall of records of the old kingdom of Athalantar.

Justiciar & Sorcer Looking for the Bandit Lair (17:00 pm):

Vicross and Sir Ly reach the Bandit Lair but cannot find the Oak Tree with the Magical Entrance down into the Bandit’s Lair, even after Vicross cast ‘Detect Magic’.

Vicross: “Someone must have disabled this entrance into the chambers below.”

Sir LY: “As it radiated Magic it may have been thought easy to discover if looked for with Magic.”

Vicross: “Yes indeed Paladin, how insightful.”

Vicross and Sir Ly decide to look for the Oak Tree which had another secret way down into the Bandit’s Lair. Sir Ly was not having much luck with his tracking and they could not find the entrance. Then Vicross and Sir Ly noticed that there was a Raven sitting onto of an Oak Tree because it began Cawing at them both. It turned out to be Galan’s Raven called ‘Crow’.

Monster - Tree Oak, Ancient One
Monster – Tree Oak, Ancient One

Vicross and Sir Ly entered the Bandit’s Lair, down the Oak Tree’s secret way down, and head straight for the Stag Kings Tomb. Their way is blocked by the ‘Magically Sealed Door’ into the Tome section, but this was expertly handled by Vicross and a ‘Knock’ Spell.

Vicross and Sir Ly then head straight for the Sarcophagus of the Stag King Athalantar passing by the many skeletons of the victims of the Death Knight which still lay on the floor before the final chamber, Two-Handed Sword still in his hand. Sir Ly takes the Two-Handed Sword.

The Sarcophagus of the Stag King Athalantar is still covered and Vicross and Sir Ly both need to move it together, for the weight is two great foe one alone, to look inside. The bones still remain untouched and they appear not to have been touched since the A-Team where here.

Then Vicross The Sorcerer and Sir Ly The Justiciar hear the noise of Rats and spot a group by the North-Eastern corner of the burial chamber. 3 Giant Rat runs away, though what they can both now see to be a hole in the wall, while 4 Giant Rats rush to attack Vicross and Sir Ly. It was a short fight and no Hero was harmed. Vicross and Sir Ly plan to investigate this hole and Vicross suggests that he casts ‘Wraithform’ on himself and investigates what lies beyond the holes in the wall. Much like the Great Mirafir would do.

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