50: Two Go Camping in The Desert

Leaving the hotel, the investigators head back to the Dark Mistress on the Nile. The boat no longer has a power source and is immobile but safer out on the water from attack. The assumption is that the cultists in Luna Park have been entirely wiped out. But this is not a certainty. At least…

46: Curiosity Kills the Mummified Cat

USAF XXX-XXXXX X-XX Nevada 1938 / INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPTION / SUBJ. WFF / OMAR SHAKTI US SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS OPERATIONAL OFFICER (USSAOO): “You’d stopped the crazy ritual. They were finished. Why didn’t you leave Omar Shakti and just get the hell out of Egypt?” FOCK: “For a monkey in a uniform that’s the most pertinent question you’ve asked me all…

45: Unwelcome Guests

The Assault On Omar Shakti’s House Take out Omar Shakti? After all that the investigators have faced and achieved this would appear a comparatively simple task. Simple. Simple? The word rings of treacherous deadly complacency. The rancid heat of a day’s hustle and bustle, as the desperate inhabitants of a sprawling metropolis fight to survive,…

31: Loving the Alien Yithian

Yithian City, Northern Territory, Australia: Joe: “What do we want from the Yithian before we release it?” He communicates with the Yithian Kakakakakatak telepathically. Nyarlathotep has brought it back through time. Irma tries to use the Yithian communicator. It doesn’t work. Donelly communicates with it again. The plan was to assist with a ritual to…

28: Whycroft’s Store

Cuncudgerie Cumcudgeree (A.K.A Cuncudgerie), Australia: Cuncudgerie – 19:41 PM: Irma: “What’s it called and what’s it about?” Whycroft: “Wonderous Intelligences” by James Woodville.  I’m more important than you. Why should you have this book?” Irma: “You don’t know about the city!” Whycroft: “Yes I do. I know more than you. Irma: “Have you been to…