Clues & Items

David Lee - Future Letter to Irma - Part 1 :

Look To The Future - Poster :

David Lee - Future Letter to Irma - Part 2 :

Computer Print-Out - Look To The Future :

McBain's Letter To Carl Stanford - 12 January 1924 :

The Hotethk Indians - From "In Old California" :

Serpent Men - From "Nameless Cults" :


Hancock's Letter - Dated "May 12 1924" :

Hancock's Letter - Dated "May 14 1924" :

Hancock's Letter - Dated "May 16 1924" :

Hancock/Chisholm News - "Terror On The Edge Of The World" :

Hancock/Chisholm News - From "Royal Geographical Society" :

Belphegor - "Wanted Poster" :

Father McBride's "Latin Translation & Letter To Cardinal" :

Anne de Chantraine - From"Great Witches Of Britain" :

Anne de Chantraine - From "Occult Brethren" :

Map Of Cannich :

Coven Members :

Hancock Dig Site :


Excerpt from Old California by a smith published 1884:

The Golden Disc

Gold Disc

A renegade missionary named Whately visited and remained with a small tribe known as the Hotekh from 1837 to 1843 when he disappeared. Shortly thereafter, the Hotekh tribe itself disbanded, its elders evidently having vanished or died.

This tribe was notable for its especially savage pagan rites, which Whately seems to have encouraged. He either brought to or found with the Indians a peculiar structure which he called The Arc of Vlactos, and which he believed had connections with non-Christian sky demons. The only other known facts about the Hotekh are that they practiced the creation of Kachina Dolls to house demons’ souls and that they worshipped gods not mentioned elsewhere in California, such as the Serpent God Yigg and the Horned God Shoob Niggeratt. The Hotekh dwelt in Devil’s Canyon in the Mojave Desert.

Doctor McParlane's translation of the latin text found in Arbroath:

Marcus cut down the serpent priests with his sword and Namatian tried to break the golden disc. All his efforts failed until Marcus lent him his sword. The sword cut through the disc and with a few strokes the disc was cut into three sections. Namatian was building a fire to melt it down when a Great Beast came from the mountain and attacked the remaining soldiers.

Its wounds healed themselves as fast as they were inflicted. Marcus discovered a serpent priest who had escaped the slaughter of his companions, and, when he killed him, the beast went mad. The ground began to shake and the temple collapsed, killing all but Marcus, who was pushed through the doorway into the other world. The rest of the expedition died in the rubble.