The Thing On The Roof, New York City and Beyond.....

That’s right, this may just be the one we cannot escape from.....


How did we come to this?

No. Sorry, it’s not the end yet. Stay tuned for future updates! There should also be maps and other information provided..

Recap of the last adventure?

If you want to see and read what we have been through already please do click here.

Any questions?

Any questions please use the link to contact me., contact me!

The Adventure Continues join us..


Our Recent Adventures

African Adventure
see detail


The Orient Express
see detail


Shadow Yog Sothoth
see detail


Easter Island
see detail


These are photos of our recent adventure see more or even contact me and get more information.

About Us, Our Friends and Our Enemy's

We are a explosive team of old investigators and adventures that have lived through things that would kill most men, but not this time! We hope to survive this next adventure and retire to California to live out our lives in peace and luxury.

Working with these guys was absolutely amazing. I swear, they can read minds! One thing, tho... their Doctor fellow is mad and everything, but they should not be talking about him so often, it’s kinda creepy. Anyway, it was pleasure to work with them!

Heather James.

I didn't really like working with this group of guys (I'm still not sure if it's one-man show or seven-man theatre) at all. Their Doctor friend is completely crazy, but seriously, there is nowhere I would rather be then with them, except heaven.

Pini Museltov.

Working with these guys was the best thing I have ever done in my life. They have Doctor who smells and growls all the time. I wish I was fighting with them but they got me killed, so maybe not. Looks like you boys and girls will need all the luck in the world.

Benton Vaudeville Banks III.

That's what they said!